
Asbestos chemical definition

The asbestos fibres are defined by their dimensional specifications:
- length L > 5µ,
- diameter D < 3µ,
- ratio L/D > 3,

their crystalline structure,

and their composition.

The following species are distinguished:

Species Variety Chemical composition
chrysotile serpentine 3MgO.2SiO2.2H2O
anthophyllite amphibole 7MgO.8SiO2.H2O
amosite amphibole 11FeO.3MgO.16SiO2.2H2O
actinolite amphibole 2CaO.4MgO.FeO.8SiO2.H2O
tremolite amphibole 2CaO.5MgO.8SiO2.H2O
crocidolite amphibole Na2O.Fe2O3.3FeO.8SiO2.H2O

Only the chrysotile ("white asbestos"), the amosite ("brown asbestos") and crocidolite ("blue asbestos") had significant industrial applications.



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